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The Greenprint for a Clean Future of Flight by ZeroAvia.


Optimising Apprenticeships & Sustainability Programme


VS Flight 100 Findings


Green Pledge

Virtual (280 × 184 px) (4)

Employment Rates 2024/25

Virtual (280 × 184 px) (1)

GDPR Unwrapped


Get Paid Today, Not Tomorrow

Virtual (280 × 184 px) (3)

BTA Innovation Hub

Presentations available for download.


Yugen Earthside


BTA Master Logo PNG

A-Z Business Traveller

BTA Master Logo RGB With Text

BTA A Year in Review 2023

View Presentation

January 2024

Untitled (280 × 184 px) (3 × 3 in) (168 × 144 px) (1)

The Business Travel Pound

ESTA and BTA Pres PPT 3

US Visa Entry Update

Presentation from

U.S. Customs and Border Protection’s ESTA/EVUS Branch Chief, Macharia Davis.

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BTA Finance Conference

View Presentation

November 2023


BTA Finance Conference 

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November 2023

BTA Master Logo RGB With Text

How Airlines’ Direct Corporate Push Impact Business Travel

The BTA is concerned that the voice of the TMC and their customers are not being heard, let alone listened too, so we felt it appropriate to create an infographic for our members to highlight why the TMC industry is a vital part of the eco-system and why, this push to have corporate book direct, is not in the interest of the customer.  We hope you find it helpful not only for your teams but maybe also to share with your customers. 

View Guide

November 2023


Improving Website Security

This document tackles the recent sharp increase in cyber attacks on the industry, consolidating and updating previous advice into a set of Guidance Notes. These notes offer straightforward advice for addressing each issue, including actionable steps to mitigate risk and information on available support. It serves as a comprehensive resource for industry stakeholders looking to strengthen their defences against cyber threats.

View Guide

November 2023


Navigating Global Business Travel


Key shifts that will define the future of the industry and how payment can support business travel transformation.

View Whitepaper

October 2023

g thornton

Your First 100 days as a CFO

With some great tips from experienced CFOs & experts in Tax, Reporting and Culture, this Grant Thornton guide offers a new CFO invaluable insights and guidance to help you succeed in your new role.

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October 2023

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Data apprenticeships tailored to the travel industry

Grant Thornton CASE STUDY: Working with the Business Travel Association to build a data academy tailored to the needs of their industry

View Case Study

October 2023


IATA Information Event for Travel Agents

IATA Information Event for Travel Agents

Market overview and Post-Covid recovery data

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September 2023


The Cut Back Economy Report 2023

View Report

July 2023


Remote Working From Abroad

This document summarises the key tax issues around the shift to international remote working as discussed in the BTA Webinar.

(Listen back HERE)

View Article

June 2023


Aviation Decarbonisation

Presentation from Joe Delafield, Deputy Head, Aviation Decarbonisation at Department
for Transport (DfT)

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June 2023


Climate change and impacts

Presentation from Freya Garry (Senior Climate Scientist) of Met Office

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June 2023


"Here to stay" - the sustainable hotel landscape

Presentation from Andrew Perolls (CEO) at Greengage Solutions

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June 2023


Rail Delivery Group

Presentation from Leigh Percy representing RDG.

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June 2023

BTA Master Logo RGB With Text

BTA Spring Budget Submission

About the BTA and the value of business travel to the UK economy.

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January 2023


IATA Update

Chris Photi & Jake Cohen of White Hart Associates presentation on all things Finance & IATA. 

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September 2022


Air Conference (May 2022)

An overview from IATA on global & UK Airline recovery including a focus on BSP remit

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May 2022


Cyber Security

Presentation from Vijay Rathour, Partner, Grant Thornton Digital Forensics Group

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June 2022


Sabre Electronic Payments

Overview from Rocco Pizzarello regarding electronic payment security

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June 2022